Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing
Lemon and blueberry - a match made to delight your taste buds. These fresh and light cupcakes are perfect for a summers day, paired...
Lemon and blueberry - a match made to delight your taste buds. These fresh and light cupcakes are perfect for a summers day, paired...
Inspired by Mexican cuisine these chicken and cheese quesadillas are packed full of flavor. Seasoned and cooked with caramelized onions...
Perfectly seasoned, tasty and moist. These lamb burger patties will change your burger game! Try them in burger buns or in lettuce. Top...
Light, fluffy and perfectly sweetened, this cake is a crowd favorite! With a deliciously chocolate cake layer perfectly accompanied by...
Turkish lamb and pistachio kebabs are delicately spiced, moist and tasty. Gluten free, egg free and dairy free. Customize your sides to...
Scones have graced afternoon tea tables for many years now. Originating in Britain, these beautiful little baked good is not only pretty...
A hearty and healthy breakfast that breaks away from the usual. Delicious beans cooked with tangy tamarind and spices. Accompanied by...
Puris are originally a creation from Indian cuisine. Inspired by the traditional Indian recipe, this is my family South African version....
Okay okay, hear me out! This is a sweet savory combination that you don't usually see but believe me when I say it tastes great! The...
A childhood favorite and family classic! Perfect for cold mornings but great any time of the year. Creamy, tasty and the perfect start to...
This is my favorite! Caramelized onions with perfectly cooked eggs is a hands down winner to me! Best enjoyed with some brioche bread or...
A revitalizing start to the day! Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, this is a perfect way of getting a healthy start to your...
Fluffy, chocolate chip pancakes that will surely please the pickiest of eaters! Kid Approved! Chocolate Chip Pancakes* - yeilds approx....
Tired of the same old scrambled eggs for breakfast? Try these breakfast eggs with mushrooms and bell peppers to keep you full through the...
Light, fluffy and oh so delicious! These amazing cupcakes are topped with a show stopper lemon buttercream that will make you forget any...
A match made in heaven. Red velvet and white chocolate. You have no idea what you are missing out on until you try this combination....
If you love banana bread, this is for you! The Best Banana Bread 3 ripe bananas mashed 3/4 cup olive oil 3/4 cup plain yogurt 2 eggs 2...
A childhood favourite of mine. Baked Beans on Toast 1 tin Heinz Baked Beans ¼ small onion finely sliced 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 can baked...
Another favourite growing up. Deliciously flavored tuna topped with melted cheese. A clear winner even with the kids! Tuna Melt 2 cans of...
A beautiful combination of flavors that are sure to delight. Thanks to my mom for passing down this delicious recipe. Lamb Shank Delight...