Homemade Pita Chips
Light, crispy and oh so addictive! These chips are perfect for dipping and are so quick to make! Perfect to use up extra Arabic bread....
Light, crispy and oh so addictive! These chips are perfect for dipping and are so quick to make! Perfect to use up extra Arabic bread....
These beauties not only taste amazing but look just as festive! Perfect for large groups or gatherings! Make them for your next party!...
Healthy and delicious this salad is truly a treat for your tastebuds! Combining superfood herby kale and scrumptious roasted sweet potato...
Simple and only 2 ingredients but oh so delicious! The perfect accompaniment to spiced pumpkin. Pair it up and your tastebuds will thank...
A scrumptious and simple pumpkin recipe that is the perfect side dish. Sweet, savory and a little spicy, the pumpkin is cooked in...
Simple, easy and delicious. A quick tasty chicken leg recipe that is perfect for weeknight dinners. Pair it up with some spiced pumpkin...
Delicious pasta flavor without any of the guilt! Scrumptious roasted spaghetti squash paired with rich fajita chicken sauce and topped...
Breakfast for dinner? why not? Breakfast usually tastes even better when you eat it at a different time! Give it a try! Its a great way...
Delicious guilt free pancakes that are only 5 ingredients. Dress them up with whichever fruit you like for added flavor. Enjoy a healthy...
Perfectly spiced rice cooked with green beans, onions and tomatoes culminating in a delicious rice dish that is not only the perfect side...
Delicious, tender lamb chops marinated and baked in the oven. Perfect weeknight dinner. Oven Baked Lamb Chops 12-15 lamb chops washed and...
Don't know what to have for breakfast? Try this delicious Haloumi breakfast toast! Perfectly balanced to help keep you full for longer!...
Nothing says Eid-ul-Adha like Sheepy Cupcakes. Get the kids excited about Eid by making these cupcakes! Better yet, get them to help!...
A delicious Egyptian Semolina cake soaked in a delicate syrup. Beautifully golden, tasty, elegant and a favorite among Middle Eastern...
Simple, easy and dangerously delicious. These almond biscuits will not only impress but will have everyone raving about how tasty they...
Soft, moist cupcake with a delicious caramel buttercream and salty pretzel topping all drizzled with some more chocolate and caramel. Do...
A family classic that takes you right back to grandma's house. A layer of shortbread with jam and more shortbread. Quick, easy and super...
Nothing compares to the original yeast doughnut but these come pretty darn close! When you want to brighten up your table or surprise...
These are the MOST requested cupcakes from friends and family! That's got to say something. Perfectly sweetened, these will not last...
Curry Kitcherie is a family favorite passed down from my fathers side. Kitcherie simply referring to the rice, this recipe has been...