Citrus Salad
A fresh and healthy salad that is the perfect accompaniment to any main! Serve it up with some roast chicken or even steak for a...
A fresh and healthy salad that is the perfect accompaniment to any main! Serve it up with some roast chicken or even steak for a...
Delicious, moist and oh so decadent! Made with golden flaxseed, organic rapeseed oil and coconut sugar, this eggless chocolate chip...
Delicious finger licking teriyaki wings made with a 5 ingredient marinade! Baked in the oven, these wings will easily become your new...
The weather is finally cooling and with it an array of new germs, coughs and runny noses! This is my go-to soup to help feel better when...
Delicious one tray chicken and pumpkin bake with a savory tahini sauce and a pop of cherry tomatoes for freshness. A perfect weeknight...
Homemade savoury roti’s that are the perfect accompaniment to any dish! Soft and perfect any time of day, these roti’s also taste great...
Simple, flavorful and quick to prepare, this green bean recipe will soon become your favorite go-to side dish! Best served with Saffron...
Delicious, tasty, fall inspired pumpkin pancakes with chocolate chips! Delicately spiced with all the fall flavors we love - pumpkin,...
Delicious and perfectly sized for little hands! These mini pineapple pizzas are perfect for after school treats, lunch boxes and tea...
Inspired by my stay in the Middle East. Beautifully spiced cupcakes topped with a tangy sweet labneh icing and decorated with pistachios...
Made with feta, hummus, zucchini and carrots, these savory, tasty and healthy muffins are perfect as a snack or for lunch boxes! Packing...
A hearty, warming dish that combines the comforting flavors of mashed potatoes, pasta and bolognese! Best served with a side of garlic...
If a churro and banana bread had a baby, this is what it would taste like! All the deliciousness of banana bread combined with the...
Delicious and bursting with flavor, this is a great way to get the family to eat 5 vegetables in one great tasting dish! Serve it over...
A childhood favorite with a little twist. Simple, easy and so satisfying, this dish is all kinds of comforting. Chicken drumsticks cooked...
Simple and tasty 5 ingredient breakfast that packs a whole lot of flavor! Sometimes its the simplest combinations taste the best!...
Delicious meatballs cooked in a little spicy tomato sauce with vegetables. Perfect for large crowds! A great prepare ahead dish to just...
A delicious, warm, comforting dish! This dish is perfect to make in large quantities and never disappoints on flavor! Perfect for cold...
Beautiful nectarines paired with gorgeous spices of cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom to make this spectacular dessert! Serve it up with...
A Bosnian recipe gifted to me by my brother in laws mother. A rich hearty beef stew made with potatoes and carrots that is perfect all...