Spinach and Feta Pastry
Delicious flaky puff pastry stuffed with spinach and feta makes the perfect combination. Enjoy it hot or cold, for lunch or just a snack....
Delicious flaky puff pastry stuffed with spinach and feta makes the perfect combination. Enjoy it hot or cold, for lunch or just a snack....
Homemade savoury roti’s that are the perfect accompaniment to any dish! Soft and perfect any time of day, these roti’s also taste great...
Simple, flavorful and quick to prepare, this green bean recipe will soon become your favorite go-to side dish! Best served with Saffron...
Delicious and perfectly sized for little hands! These mini pineapple pizzas are perfect for after school treats, lunch boxes and tea...
Delicious and tasty, these eggs are cooked in a spiced tomato base. Topped with crumbled feta and parsley they are the ultimate weekend...
Another eye pleasing way to eat rich and delicious sweet potatoes! Prepare them hasselback and bake them in the oven for a perfect side...
Delicious and healthy! I promise they won’t know that there is 6 veggies hidden inside! Diary free, gluten free, egg free and nut free -...
Quick, easy and fresh! This lettuce free salad is the perfect go to when you really just want something simple. Simple Salad 2 cucumbers...
With peanut butter, banana and honey this chia pudding is a great start to the day! Creamy, tasty and cold, its perfect for hot mornings!...
Delicious scrambled eggs cooked with tomato and onion and spiced with tumeric and chili! Tasty, filling and the perfect start for the...
A deliciously flavored lemony 'rice' dish that is perfect for those looking to increase their vegetable intake and reduce their carbs. A...
Creamy and cheesy, this sweet potato risotto is the ultimate comfort food! Picky preschooler approved! Cheesy Sweet Potato Risotto* 1...
Bright, delicious and perfectly spiced! This butternut squash soup is a sure fire crowd pleaser! Packed with vitamins and minerals spices...
Light, crispy and oh so addictive! These chips are perfect for dipping and are so quick to make! Perfect to use up extra Arabic bread....
Healthy and delicious this salad is truly a treat for your tastebuds! Combining superfood herby kale and scrumptious roasted sweet potato...
Simple and only 2 ingredients but oh so delicious! The perfect accompaniment to spiced pumpkin. Pair it up and your tastebuds will thank...
A scrumptious and simple pumpkin recipe that is the perfect side dish. Sweet, savory and a little spicy, the pumpkin is cooked in...
Delicious guilt free pancakes that are only 5 ingredients. Dress them up with whichever fruit you like for added flavor. Enjoy a healthy...
Perfectly spiced rice cooked with green beans, onions and tomatoes culminating in a delicious rice dish that is not only the perfect side...
Don't know what to have for breakfast? Try this delicious Haloumi breakfast toast! Perfectly balanced to help keep you full for longer!...