Mediterranean Muffins
Made with feta, hummus, zucchini and carrots, these savory, tasty and healthy muffins are perfect as a snack or for lunch boxes! Packing...
Made with feta, hummus, zucchini and carrots, these savory, tasty and healthy muffins are perfect as a snack or for lunch boxes! Packing...
A hearty, warming dish that combines the comforting flavors of mashed potatoes, pasta and bolognese! Best served with a side of garlic...
Simple and tasty 5 ingredient breakfast that packs a whole lot of flavor! Sometimes its the simplest combinations taste the best!...
Only 5 ingredients, this tasty, simply sauce is the perfect addition to steak or chicken! Serve it up with sweet potato fries and salad...
Delicious pasta flavor without any of the guilt! Scrumptious roasted spaghetti squash paired with rich fajita chicken sauce and topped...
Delicious, tender lamb chops marinated and baked in the oven. Perfect weeknight dinner. Oven Baked Lamb Chops 12-15 lamb chops washed and...
Inspired by Mexican cuisine these chicken and cheese quesadillas are packed full of flavor. Seasoned and cooked with caramelized onions...
Tired of the same old scrambled eggs for breakfast? Try these breakfast eggs with mushrooms and bell peppers to keep you full through the...
The perfect way to end the week...with a bowl full of chicken and mushrooms in a delicious creamy sauce. Go ahead, lick the spoon! Creamy...