Comfort Soup
The weather is finally cooling and with it an array of new germs, coughs and runny noses! This is my go-to soup to help feel better when...
The weather is finally cooling and with it an array of new germs, coughs and runny noses! This is my go-to soup to help feel better when...
Delicious one tray chicken and pumpkin bake with a savory tahini sauce and a pop of cherry tomatoes for freshness. A perfect weeknight...
Simple, flavorful and quick to prepare, this green bean recipe will soon become your favorite go-to side dish! Best served with Saffron...
Made with feta, hummus, zucchini and carrots, these savory, tasty and healthy muffins are perfect as a snack or for lunch boxes! Packing...
Delicious and bursting with flavor, this is a great way to get the family to eat 5 vegetables in one great tasting dish! Serve it over...
Another eye pleasing way to eat rich and delicious sweet potatoes! Prepare them hasselback and bake them in the oven for a perfect side...
Delicious and healthy! I promise they won’t know that there is 6 veggies hidden inside! Diary free, gluten free, egg free and nut free -...
Quick, easy and fresh! This lettuce free salad is the perfect go to when you really just want something simple. Simple Salad 2 cucumbers...
These delicious no bake energy balls are the perfect on the go snack! Made with peanut butter, oats, honey, flaxseed and chia, they are...
Delicious chicken legs flavored with savory Middle Eastern spices! A perfect combination to change up your dinner menu! Give it a go, it...
With peanut butter, banana and honey this chia pudding is a great start to the day! Creamy, tasty and cold, its perfect for hot mornings!...
Delicious scrambled eggs cooked with tomato and onion and spiced with tumeric and chili! Tasty, filling and the perfect start for the...
Tasty chicken thighs marinated in garlic, lemon and oregano for a simple but flavor packed recipe that is sure to please! Give it a go...
A deliciously flavored lemony 'rice' dish that is perfect for those looking to increase their vegetable intake and reduce their carbs. A...
Fresh, tasty and delightful to look at, this recipe is a perfect balance of summer flavors. Tasty and healthy salmon pairs beautifully...
Bright, delicious and perfectly spiced! This butternut squash soup is a sure fire crowd pleaser! Packed with vitamins and minerals spices...
Light, crispy and oh so addictive! These chips are perfect for dipping and are so quick to make! Perfect to use up extra Arabic bread....
Healthy and delicious this salad is truly a treat for your tastebuds! Combining superfood herby kale and scrumptious roasted sweet potato...
Delicious guilt free pancakes that are only 5 ingredients. Dress them up with whichever fruit you like for added flavor. Enjoy a healthy...
A delicately seasoned green beans recipe that will be your new favorite! Green Beans Serving size: side dish – 2 people 200g green beans...