Spinach and Feta Pastry
Delicious flaky puff pastry stuffed with spinach and feta makes the perfect combination. Enjoy it hot or cold, for lunch or just a snack....
Delicious flaky puff pastry stuffed with spinach and feta makes the perfect combination. Enjoy it hot or cold, for lunch or just a snack....
Delicious and perfectly sized for little hands! These mini pineapple pizzas are perfect for after school treats, lunch boxes and tea...
Simple and tasty 5 ingredient breakfast that packs a whole lot of flavor! Sometimes its the simplest combinations taste the best!...
Quick, easy and fresh! This lettuce free salad is the perfect go to when you really just want something simple. Simple Salad 2 cucumbers...
Creamy and cheesy, this sweet potato risotto is the ultimate comfort food! Picky preschooler approved! Cheesy Sweet Potato Risotto* 1...
Delicious pasta flavor without any of the guilt! Scrumptious roasted spaghetti squash paired with rich fajita chicken sauce and topped...
Don't know what to have for breakfast? Try this delicious Haloumi breakfast toast! Perfectly balanced to help keep you full for longer!...
Inspired by Mexican cuisine these chicken and cheese quesadillas are packed full of flavor. Seasoned and cooked with caramelized onions...
Tired of the same old scrambled eggs for breakfast? Try these breakfast eggs with mushrooms and bell peppers to keep you full through the...
A childhood favourite of mine. Baked Beans on Toast 1 tin Heinz Baked Beans ¼ small onion finely sliced 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 can baked...
Another favourite growing up. Deliciously flavored tuna topped with melted cheese. A clear winner even with the kids! Tuna Melt 2 cans of...
When your Mac n' Cheese needs an upgrade, this recipe will take it from boring to WOW! Beefy Mac n' Cheese 300g lean beef mince 1...
Nothing says comfort food like creamy, cheese, fork soft potatoes! Cheesy scalloped potatoes 2 large potatoes thinly sliced 1 chicken...