Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Pancakes
Delicious, tasty, fall inspired pumpkin pancakes with chocolate chips! Delicately spiced with all the fall flavors we love - pumpkin,...
Delicious, tasty, fall inspired pumpkin pancakes with chocolate chips! Delicately spiced with all the fall flavors we love - pumpkin,...
Simple and tasty 5 ingredient breakfast that packs a whole lot of flavor! Sometimes its the simplest combinations taste the best!...
Delicious and tasty, these eggs are cooked in a spiced tomato base. Topped with crumbled feta and parsley they are the ultimate weekend...
With peanut butter, banana and honey this chia pudding is a great start to the day! Creamy, tasty and cold, its perfect for hot mornings!...
Delicious scrambled eggs cooked with tomato and onion and spiced with tumeric and chili! Tasty, filling and the perfect start for the...
Breakfast for dinner? why not? Breakfast usually tastes even better when you eat it at a different time! Give it a try! Its a great way...
Delicious guilt free pancakes that are only 5 ingredients. Dress them up with whichever fruit you like for added flavor. Enjoy a healthy...
Don't know what to have for breakfast? Try this delicious Haloumi breakfast toast! Perfectly balanced to help keep you full for longer!...
A hearty and healthy breakfast that breaks away from the usual. Delicious beans cooked with tangy tamarind and spices. Accompanied by...
Puris are originally a creation from Indian cuisine. Inspired by the traditional Indian recipe, this is my family South African version....
Okay okay, hear me out! This is a sweet savory combination that you don't usually see but believe me when I say it tastes great! The...
A childhood favorite and family classic! Perfect for cold mornings but great any time of the year. Creamy, tasty and the perfect start to...
This is my favorite! Caramelized onions with perfectly cooked eggs is a hands down winner to me! Best enjoyed with some brioche bread or...
A revitalizing start to the day! Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, this is a perfect way of getting a healthy start to your...
Fluffy, chocolate chip pancakes that will surely please the pickiest of eaters! Kid Approved! Chocolate Chip Pancakes* - yeilds approx....
Tired of the same old scrambled eggs for breakfast? Try these breakfast eggs with mushrooms and bell peppers to keep you full through the...
A childhood favourite of mine. Baked Beans on Toast 1 tin Heinz Baked Beans ¼ small onion finely sliced 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 can baked...
Another favourite growing up. Deliciously flavored tuna topped with melted cheese. A clear winner even with the kids! Tuna Melt 2 cans of...